This past weekend, my program took us on a trip to Sorrento, Capri and Pompei. This was my favorite weekend so far...Sorrento and Capri were unbelievably gorgeous and Pompei's history was very cool.
On Friday morning our bus left for Sorrento. A few hours into the trip, we stopped at a rest-stop for lunch. My friend bought this afterwards to eat on the bus...what a great invention!

We got to our hotel which was very nice (Hotel Del Corso) and after we put our stuff in our rooms we set out to explore the town. The amazing smell of lemons led us into this lemoncello shop, where we saw all of these pretty bottles and the store worker gave us a sample of candy - an almond with a lemon flavored coating. I can't explain how GOOD it smelled in this store.

Afterwards we headed to a lookout area to catch a glimpse of the water. Unfortunately, it was rainy and cool on Friday, so we didn't have the best weather, but even still the views were gorgeous

We headed down a bunch of stairs that we found to get closer to the water (look at the color!)

When we were finished we went into some shops then headed back to our hotel. A little later we went to dinner at this cute place we had found was soooo good

I had gnocchi alla sorrentina, the regional specialty dish

I also ordered roasted chicken that we shared

We had a special visitor during dinner...:)

All of us

The meal was so great and the service and staff were so friendly. We loved this restaurant so much!
After dinner we walked around a little bit to digest then went out for our first taste of limoncello. This is the regional signature drink of the area that we were in so we had to try some

The result? It was a lot stronger than we all expected, but I liked it

Then we did a wine tasting at the little bar that we were at. 10 euros got us 4 types of wine and a plate of cheese.

Two glasses of white...

Plus two glasses of red...

Made for an interesting view in front of me for people who were walking by

The wine tasting lasted a long time so we walked around a little bit when we were finished and then got gelato from the gelateria right next to our hotel. Our program directors gave us a little pamphlet before we left for the trip giving us tips of what to do and where to go, and they said this gelateria is excellent. They were definitley right! We walked in and found the walls covered in pictures of famous people who had been there (Sofia Loren was on there!)
I got the Snickers flavor and it was great, of course

Finally, to end the night, we walked back to the overlook area where we could see the water and the island of Capri not too far in the distance. I tried to take some pictures, but they didn't come out. This is the best of the bunch...Capri in the distance across the water

The next day, we went to Capri! (Coming soon)
Looks like you're having a fab time. I'm jealous of your cheeeeese! Remember to bring some back for your LaurTaur :)
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