Photo taken by me -- Christmas tree in Piazza Venezia, Rome. (Monument pictured is Il Vittoriano, in honor of Victor Emanuele, the first king of the united Italy.)
Luckily, I made it home safely on Saturday evening just before the worst of the snow hit. I really lucked out because it was starting to snow hard when the plane landed. A bunch of students in my program had their flights cancelled due to the weather, which really sucks for them...there are a couple who are actually still stuck in Rome now! Hopefully they'll all be able to get out tomorrow.
After getting a total of eight hours of sleep the two nights before I left Rome, then the two hour flight to Germany, the nine hour flight to Newark, combined with the time change...I have terrible jetlag. (To add insult to injury, my luggage was stuck in Germany for a night because it didn't make it onto my connecting flight. Luckily Lufthansa delivered it to my house on Sunday night...even though they delivered it at 11:30pm!)
Yesterday morning, I woke up at 4am and was ready to go for the day. Luckily I was able to get back to bed around 6am and sleep until 8am. At 5:30 in the evening though, I fell asleep for about an hour and a half. Hence the reason that I up now at 3am :)
I still have some things to post that I never got around to posting this semester...I will get around to that soon!
And yes, I am missing Rome. When can I go back (Mom)?!?!
So today I leave Rome and head home. The ISA shuttle bus will leave at 6:45am, which is in about six hours. My flight leaves Rome at 10:10am and gets into Frankfurt two hours later. I have an hour layover, and then I will leave Frankfurt at 1:15pm and arrive in Newark at 4:20pm. If only the flight from Frankfurt to Newark was three hours as the times suggest...try nine! Not looking forward to that.
Instead of writing a post about how sad I am to be leaving Rome, I will wait until I'm home and settled because I still have a bunch of things to blog about that I never got the chance to. I'm praying that the snow storm will hold off until after I get home. It would be nice to have some snow starting to fall when I leave the airport :)
A presto!
One of the benefits of living in Italy is the fact that the food here is extremely fresh. That's one of the things I've loved most this semester -- having access to fresh, quality food that's very inexpensive (some of the cheeses I buy here cost me the equivalent of about $2.50, and I know that if I bought the same package at home it'd definitely cost at least $6, and probably more than that.)
Today, however, freshness was taken to a whole new level when I was making an omelette for lunch. I took my carton of eggs out of the refrigerator and took an egg out, and right smack underneath it in the carton, there lay...
...a feather.
I'm all for the utmost freshness when it comes to food, but really Italy...feathers are something that I'd rather NOT see right before I'm about to chow down on a couple of eggs.
Two weeks ago, I finally made the trip to the Vatican. I know, I've been living in Rome for almost four months and it's a little ridiculous that it took me so long to get there...but it's true what they say; when I arrived, I felt like I had an eternity here to see everything I wanted to see, but time really just flew by! Between all of my trips and activities, I feel like I didn't have nearly enough time to see everything.
Anyway, even though it took me so long to make it there, the Vatican was definitely worth the wait! I had some friends who studied in Prague this semester who visited me in Rome, so we went a few Sundays ago hoping to see the Vatican museums. What we didn't expect to see, however, was this...
Back in September, a group here on campus called the ResGrads ran a trip to a local gelateria where we were able to see how gelato is made. The ResGrads are a group of resident students who live in Rome and go to the American University, and each semester they run a bunch of trips and activities for AUR students.
They took us to Fior de Luna, the only organic gelateria in Rome. It's located in Trastevere, right off of Viale Trastevere and a short walk from Santa Maria in Trastevere.
I spent mine with the most adorable Italian family ever! (Sorry this post is senza (without) pictures...I spent the day enjoying myself instead of worrying about taking pictures, and it felt great :)
Today is the Immaculate Conception, and since Italy is a Catholic country, today was a public holiday. Since the university was closed today, my roommate's family here in Rome invited her to go to church with them. Kristin's been saying all semester that I need to meet them, so she asked if I could come today and they said of course.
Her great-aunt and great-uncle (Lia and Roberto) came to pick us up at 10am, and we were off to church. We stopped for a cappuccino and cornetto (croissant) and then got to the church a few minutes early. Let me just say that Kristin's aunt and uncle are beyond adorable -- they have been married for 40 years and are your typical older yet still fiery Italian couple. They get frustrated with each other every once and a while and have little arguments, but you can tell they adore each other still which is molto carino(very cute.) They speak no English, which was great for Kristin and I since it gave us a chance to practice our Italian. They were very good about speaking more slowly and making hand gestures to make sure that we understand what they were talking about.
When we arrived at church, Roberto parked the car while Kristin and I walked next to Lia, who held onto each of our arms and held her umbrella up for all of us to huddle under. Lia is probably about a foot shorter than both Kristin and I, so this would have made the cutest picture :) After Lia chatted with some friends outside of the church, we went inside and mass began. The mass was in Italian, which was beautiful to hear. Afterwards, we headed back to Lia and Roberto's house in Mostacciano (still part of Rome, but about 25 minutes away from the main city center) for lunch. They live in an apartment, but it was very spacious and furnished nicely. Lia told Kristin and I to sit and watch TV while she cooked (no argument from us! :)) so we did just that.
She finished cooking in what seemed like 10 minutes, and we headed to the kitchen for what was an amazing meal. First, we had rigatoni with a simple ragu sauce and a ton of parmigiano reggiano on top...amazing. Lia's sauce was delicious. Next we had some type of meat (I'm not sure what it was, but I'm thinking it may have been pork, since it reminded me a lot of braciola.) This was followed by the best cauliflower I have ever eaten -- normally, I don't eat cauliflower, but since Lia cooked it, I took it anyway and was planning on eating it even if I didn't like it because I didn't want to be rude (one thing I learned quickly after arriving in Italy is that not eating what's given to you is a big no-no.) Anyway, I ended up not having to worry because it was delicious! She cooked it until it was very soft, then served it cold with white vinegar. Vinegar was the only ingredient I could taste on it, but oh man, was it good! I definitely want to try to make this at home. After the cauliflower we had bruschetta -- toasted bread topped with olive oil and peperoni (in Italian, peperoni means peppers while salame piccante is the typical 'pepperoni' that Americans think of.) This was followed by orange and apple slices to top off the meal.
After we finished eating we had a long conversation with Lia and Roberto about their visit to the United States a few years ago and the current healthcare system in the US compared to the one in Italy. This came up because Roberto had to go to the hospital when he was in the US, and he was surprised at how much more difficult things are there regarding healthcare. Him and Lia also asked me about my family, and when I told them I am Italian, they asked from what part of Italy. When I told them that my Dad's family is from Basilicata, they said that it is very beautiful there and were wondering why my Dad and the rest of my family have never come to Italy yet (hint, hint Mom and Dad! You're bringing me back here soon!)
Afterwards, Roberto pulled out the family photo album and showed us pictures from his and Lia's wedding :) So cute! He pointed himself out to us and said something along the lines of, "Sono la stessa adesso, ma qui ho avuto più capelli!" ("I am the same now, but here (he pointed to his wedding picture) I had more hair!")
Later we each had un caffè and a little mini peach tart while we chatted with Lia and Roberto's friend Francesca who came over to visit for a bit with her daughter Victoria. Francesca spent a summer in the United States when she was 14, and she was telling us about her experience. She stayed with a family in Iowa (of all places! haha) and she loved it even though she said there wasn't much to do or see there. She spoke very good English, which was impressive since she said she doesn't really have the opportunity to practice it much since she lives in Italy, and she is 34 now so it's been 20 years since she was in the US.
We all headed over to Roberto and Lia's daughter Alessandra's house around 4:30pm just to visit for a bit...they also have a gorgeous home. It's a townhouse, and it was very modern on the inside. Alessandra and her husband Fabio also have two adorable kids -- Ludovica, 6 and Manuele, 8. We spent some time there chatting with everyone when we could and watching television. We had a long conversation with Alessandra about the differences in the way of life in America vs. Italy because she has been curious about them ever since she visited the US a few years ago. Around 5:30pm, we said our goodbyes and Lia and Roberto dropped us back off at our apartment.
Basically I lived the dream today ;) -- I had an adorable older Italian woman cook a fabulous meal for me, I got to speak in Italian for practically the entire day and I met the sweetest, most welcoming family ever! Everything they say about Italians is so true -- when you're with them, they really do make you feel like a member of their family!
On Thanksgiving, ISA hosted a dinner for us here in Rome. We were all very excited about this, since we were all craving our traditional Thanksgiving foods from home!
ISA asked for volunteers to bake pumpkin pies - pumpkin is something that in Italy, is not normally eaten in sweet dishes...usually only savory. So our program leaders had to go to specialty stores to find all of the ingredients for the pies, then the students who wanted to would bake them. My roommates and I volunteered to do this, and a couple days before dinner I stopped by the office to pick up the ingredients. They labeled everything in Italian and provided the English translation as well :)